- Your eyes and sense of smell are very important when selecting fresh fish.
- Fresh fish should have a mild, salty aroma; if it is overly ‘fishy’ it may very well be stale, so steer clear.
- Scaly fish should have a good covering of scales. If it has bald patches and the scales are coming loose, it has passed its best before date.
- The gills should be bright red and not pale in colour.
- The tail must be pliable, not dry.
- The eyes should be clear and bright, not dull and sunken.
- The flesh should be firm, not soft.
- When buying pre-packed and cut portions, eg: cutlets or steaks, it is very difficult to judge freshness, so the ‘sell by’ or ‘best before’ date should be checked. Do however ensure that the fish has not discoloured, that there is very little air space between the wrapping and the fish, and that there are no pools of liquid at the bottom of the package.
How do I defrost fish / shellfish?
The safest way to defrost fish in order to keep its flavour and texture is to defrost it in the refrigerator for 12 – 24